News: Court of Appeal Affirms Defense Verdict in $25 Million Accounting Malpractice Action
The California Court of Appeal affirmed a judgment on behalf of JGNH’s clients, Daoro, Zydel & Holland and related parties. (See opinion at 2009 WL187691.) The City of Mountain View sued JGNH’s clients for alleged fraud and negligence in connection with their audits of lease obligations. The City claimed it was underpaid more than $25 million in rents and related charges owed by Bill Graham Presents under a lease for the Shoreline Amphitheatre. After a lengthy trial, the jury rendered a defense verdict and the City of Mountain View appealed, claiming jury misconduct, evidentiary issues, and insufficient evidence to support the verdict. The Court of Appeal rejected all of the City’s arguments. JGNH attorneys, Farley J. Neuman and Tom Prountzos, handled the trial and appeal.